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Friday, December 2, 2011

Politico loses item on Jewish group
castigating Paul as an extremist
Ben Smith newsletter had this headline:

Republican Jewish group not making friends in Paul-world

which linked to an unrelated article. A search of Politico's web site for the last name of the reporter, Adam Kredo, returned a blank. Kredo writes for Washington Jewish Week.

The brief Politico item had said:

Adam Kredo reports:

After taking some heat across the interwebs and elsewhere, the RJC clarified its stance on Ron Paul earlier today.

Paul was not invited to attend the RJC's candidates forum because the organization — as it has stated numerous times in the past — "rejects his misguided and extreme views," said Brooks.

"He's just so far outside of the mainstream of the Republican party and this organization," Brooks said. Inviting Paul to attend would be "like inviting Barack Obama to speak."

Paul  has said the United States should steer clear of military backing of Israel, which can "take care of itself."

Kredo, in a cell phone message, directed Newz from Limbo to a copy of his page that had a Politico URL but did not comment on the blocks to access.

Kredo's Twitter description reads:

Adam Kredo

Adam Kredo

I do bad things. (I also write newspaper articles, so e-mail me:

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