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Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lawmakers, press may find
SOPA throttles political leaks

The Stop Online Privacy Act might be used by the Executive Branch to block web pages holding leaked federal documents, according to a columnist who follows net law closely.

Given the Obama administration's hard attitude on control of "classified" information, Newz from Limbo posed this question to experts: Would SOPA mean that the Justice Dept. could block the Wikileaks site, or the Wall Street Journal leaks site, or block a site publishing a document leaked by a Congressional aide for partisan reasons?

"Sure—though it would need to convince a federal judge to order it, first," was the emailed reply of Nate Anderson, who writes for ArsTechnica.

Steve Aftergood, on the other hand, wasn't so certain. "I don’t think so, but…" was his emailed reply. Secrecy News is published by the Federation of American Scientists.

No responses to the question were received from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press or from members of the Investigative Reporters and Editors listserve.

Wikileaks sheds light on spying industry

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