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Monday, December 5, 2011

Backer of preventive detention
termed 'good friend of Israel'
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, only Sen. Joe Lieberman has received more campaign contributions ($2,005,778) from pro-Israeli political action committees than Sen. Carl Levin ($1,390,594) since 1990. Levin is known as a "good friend of Israel."

Democrat Levin and GOP Senator John McCain promoted an indefinite preventive detention measure that cleared the Senate, which would give the president authority to seize Americans on suspicion of terrorism and intern them, without having to present probable cause or exercise due process of law as outlined in the Constitution. . Lieberman voted in favor of the bill, which declares America a war zone, even though Congress has not declared war.

McCain has endorsed a book purportedly debunking 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Observers would argue that the bold maneuver, coupled with a brownout treatment by mainstream media, demonstrates a conspiracy hiding in plain site.

GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul has denounced the measure, but his stance has been omitted from most campaign coverage. Though Paul is even with Newt Gingrich in polling, mainstream media treat Gingrich as the "comer" and Paul as a virtual non-entity. The Republican Jewish Committee has assailed Paul as an extremist.

No word from that group on their opinion of McCain and Levin, whose maneuver in other years would have instantly been widely denounced as extremist.

Michael Oren, Israeli ambassador to the United States, said Friday that the Obama administration had been strongly supportive of Israel's security needs. Obama has threatened to veto the Senate measure, but that may prove difficult as it is tied to the Defense Authorization Bill.

Many wonder about how anyone would want to give dicatatorial power to the central government for use inside America. Even if the Obama administration resists misuse, what is to prevent successor administrations from consolidating control over America with such a weapon?

Democrats voting for indefinite detention include Begich, Blumenthal, Inouye, Klobuchar, Landrieu, Lieberman, Levin, Manchin, Bad Nelson, Pryor, Reed, Stabenow, Whitehouse. Republicans voting against indefinite detention include Collins, Kirk, Lee, Moran, and Rand Paul, who is Ron Paul's son.

Libertarian Party, ACLU blast internment bill
December 2, 2011

WASHINGTON - Libertarian Party Chair Mark Hinkle released the following statement today regarding the indefinite detention provisions of Senate version of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012.

"The Obama administration has already claimed that the president has the authority to kill Americans overseas, if he believes they are terrorists.

"Now, in the latest National Defense Authorization Act, Congress is trying to (Do not forward: This link will open a page with your information already filled in.)give the president power to imprison Americans indefinitely, without charges or respect for habeas corpus, if he claims they are terrorists.

"Democrats and Republicans in the Senate have already joined hands to pass the bill.

"This contempt for our rights is outrageous. Any member of Congress who supports that provision is grossly violating his or her oath to uphold the Constitution.

"If the president thinks you are a terrorist, let him present charges and evidence to a judge. He has no authority to lock you up without any judicial review, just because he and Congress believe he should have unlimited power.

"That is the kind of power held by tyrants in totalitarian regimes. It has no place in the United States.

"The Libertarian Party opposes terrorism. We also believe our government should stop taking actions that provoke terrorism. We want to end military involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan, and many other countries, and we want to repeal the Patriot Act."

For more information, or to arrange an interview, call LP Executive Director Wes Benedict at 202-333-0008 ext. 222.

The LP is America's third-largest political party, founded in 1971. The Libertarian Party stands for free markets, civil liberties, and peace. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party at our website.


Dear ACLU Supporter,

No due process. No trial. No proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Indefinite military imprisonment based on suspicion alone.

It's all in a bill being secretly negotiated in Congress right now. Help stop it.

Top members of Congress are secretly meeting now to try to figure out how to jam through a dangerous bill before Christmas.

Their main focus? Legislation authorizing this president and all future presidents to order the U.S. military to pick up and imprison people, including U.S. citizens — without charging them or putting them on trial.

We need you to take immediate action to prevent our country from becoming a place where the military can throw a person in jail and let him or her waste away without charge or trial.

Let's be clear about what this proposal really is: no due process, no trial, and no proof beyond a reasonable doubt — and indefinite military imprisonment based on suspicion alone.

A handful of senators secretly came up with this outrageous indefinite detention provision and attached it to the National Defense Authorization Act. And an even smaller group of House members forced through the House of Representatives a law for worldwide war, and worldwide imprisonment, in virtually any country where a terrorism suspect lives, even here in America itself.

The House and the Senate are now rushing to come up with a joint version of the bill and ram it through Congress within the next two weeks.

We know Congress is starting to hear from people who are outraged by this proposal. And if we continue to keep the pressure on, we can stop this. But it's going to take all of us.

Contact your members of Congress right now. Urge them to vote against indefinite detention and unlimited worldwide war authority legislation.

The Secretary of Defense, the Directors of the FBI and CIA, and national security experts from both Democratic and Republican administrations have argued against this extreme measure. But, as you read this, secret talks in Congress to force it quickly to final passage continue unabated.

Only a huge public outcry can prevent Congress from crossing a dangerous line that is a direct affront to everything we believe in.

Final action on this bill could come at any moment. Whether you've acted on this issue before or not, we need you to speak up now. Please contact your members of Congress immediately.

With urgency,

Chris Anders, ACLU
Senior Legislative Counsel

Rand Paul letter

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