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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Disclosure from Britain
N.Y. Times works with NSA
before publishing leak reports

The New York Times has been cooperating with U.S. intelligence before publishing stories based on leaked NSA documents, it emerged today.

"From all that I can see the Guardian and the New York Times have taken immense trouble to avoid any individual operative or operation being endangered," according to Charles L. Falconer, a former high-level Labor cabinet member with responsibilities for intelligence oversight.

According to the Guardian, "The Guardian has spoken to the NSA and GCHQ before publishing details from the leaked files." But its story does not corroborate Falconer's remark concerning the Times. GCHQ is Britain's equivalent of the NSA.

The Washington Post has previously disclosed that it suppresses some information in NSA stories prior to publication at the behest of the U.S. government.

The Guardian and its editors do not enjoy the same guarantees of press freedom as their U.S. counterparts and so would be expected to consult intelligence officials beforehand.

Times Editor Jill Abramson has said the Times rejected a request by British diplomats to hand over the digital trove originating with Edward Snowden.

Falconer defends Guardian, Times

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