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Monday, November 18, 2013

Bloomberg suspends reporter
after nixing his China expose

So if Bloomberg is this cheap, putting China money ahead of investigative reporting, is it any wonder that Bloomberg immediately went blind to the glaring holes in the official 9/11 yarn? Bloomberg's egregious behavior is an example of how media corporations let the business department determine news coverage, or lack of it.

No one ever dreamed of sharing anything from the Snowden NSA trove or from Wikileaks with Bloomberg. This sort of button-down all-business attitude is actually counterproductive for a business-oriented news organization. It's the news -- which is about what's new -- that is the basic commodity of a news organization. Hence, excluding certain sources of news means that business-oriented people will go elsewhere, maybe the Wall Street Journal, to find out what's really going on.

The same holds for excluding stories that will offend those who can control distribution. Once you are caught playing favorites, your credibility declines and your readers will favor your competition.

Of course, the intelligence system/media cartel tries to ensure that there is no competition to speak of when it comes to specified topics. Fortunately, that central committee method of curbing news is frayed about the edges in our still vigorous democracy. The System may have robbed us of our democracy, but they haven't robbed us of our belief in basic American freedoms, meaning that this nation's democracy is far from dead.

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