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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

U.S. rushed to get rid of proof
that Bin Laden had been killed

Admiral ordered death pix destroyed despite preservation rule

First, a corpse said to be that of Osama bin Laden was ordered ditched into the sea. No body, no autopsy.

Then Obama denied media requests to view photos of the body.

Not long after, a U.S. admiral ordered the destruction of all military photos of the body of the person said to be Bin Laden. Any other such photos were to be kept under lock and key by the CIA. So, no visual evidence. No possibility of a member of the public running a facial recognition program to determine whether the commandos had killed the right person.

Those identified as Bin Laden's wives and children were held in Pakistan for a while, then sent overseas -- but nowhere near a Congressional committee or members of the U.S. press.

Conclusion: The commandos killed somebody that night. But Obama and his underlings were very anxious that no one be able to see tangible evidence that it was actually Bin Laden who died.

Drone warriors are often guessing -- insider
Glenn Greenwald and Jeremy Scahill reporting...

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