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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Labor chief backs Occupy,
calls for protests tomorrow

Here is an email sent from the AFL-CIO:

They can take away the tarps and the tents. But they can’t slow down the Occupy Wall Street movement.

There have been police raids on Occupy Wall Street in Oakland, Calif.; Portland, Ore.; Denver; Albany, N.Y.; Burlington, Vt.; and Chapel Hill, N.C. — and now, last night in New York’s Zuccotti Park — orchestrated by politicians acting on behalf of the 1%.

But the 99% is undaunted. Occupy Wall Street’s message already has created a new day. This movement has created a seismic shift in our national debate — from austerity and cuts to jobs, inequality and our broken economic system.

Show your solidarity by attending a Nov. 17 bridge action near you.

And click here ( ) to send a message of solidarity directly to the Occupy Wall Street protesters—Working America will deliver it this week.

The Occupy Wall Street movement has been committed to peaceful, nonviolent action from its inception. And it will keep spreading no matter what elected officials tell police to do. But that doesn’t mean these raids are acceptable. In fact, they are inexcusable.

As former Secretary of State Colin Powell put it, these protests are “as American as apple pie.” Americans must be allowed to speak out against pervasive inequality, even if the truth discomfits the 1%...

We are the 99%.

In Solidarity,

Richard L. Trumka

President, AFL-CIO

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