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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Court pressed to speed
health care recordings
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press is urging the U.S. Supreme Court to permit the press to record upcoming oral arguments in the three cases involving proposed federal health-care legislation, rather than wait for the court to release its own recordings.

“Because the health care reform law deeply affects millions of Americans, there likely will be a strong interest nationwide in closely following the proceedings as, or shortly after, they occur,” a Reporters Committee letter to Chief Justice John G. Roberts said. “As such, the court’s current policy of releasing audio recordings of arguments at the end of the week will not adequately satisfy this strong public interest in being timely informed of important developments in a matter of such overwhelming impact on such a widespread scale.”

The letter also noted that delaying the release of argument recordings “will impede journalists’ ability to provide same-day coverage of the arguments.”

The following media organizations joined the Reporters Committee’s letter:

ABC News
A. H. Belo Corp.
Allbritton Communications Co. on behalf of WJLA-TV and NewsChannel 8
ALM Media, LLC
The Associated Press
Association of Alternative Newsweeklies
Atlantic Media, Inc.
Bay Area News Group
Belo Corp.
Bloomberg News
Cable News Network, Inc.
California Newspaper Publishers Association
CBS Broadcasting Inc.
Chicago Tribune
Citizen Media Law Project
Consumer Reports
Cox Media Group, Inc.
Dow Jones & Co., Inc.
The E.W. Scripps Co.
First Amendment Coalition
Gannett Co., Inc.
Hearst Corp.
Los Angeles Times
The McClatchy Co.
MPA – The Association of Magazine Media
National Association of Broadcasters
The National Press Club
National Press Photographers Association
NBCUniversal Media, LLC
New York Daily News
The New York Times
The Newspaper Guild – CWA
Newspaper Association of America
The Newsweek/Daily Beast Co. LLC
North Jersey Media Group Inc.
NPR, Inc.
Online News Association
Reuters America LLC
The Seattle Times Co.
Society of Professional Journalists
Stephens Media LLC
Time Inc.
Tribune Co.
The Washington Post

“Federal health-care reform affects everyone’s well-being, and everyone has the right to see and hear the arguments over this important issue made before the highest court in the country,” said Lucy A. Dalglish, Reporters Committee executive director. “And they have the right to see it and hear it as it happens.”

Barring the approval of cameras in the Supreme Court, the Reporters Committee proposed the court at least consider immediate release of audio recordings, such as it did during the contested presidential election of 2000 and when considering campaign finance reform laws.

“To be sure, the American public’s access to affordable health care is among the most significant issues to inform public debate in this country and to come before its highest court in many years,” the letter said. “The time has come” for public access to include visual recordings.

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