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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Reports of cyber-hacking
add to Murdoch's worries

The Murdoch news empire faced new troubles as Scotland Yard began checking reports of computer hacking by operatives for the now-defunct News of the World, according to Larry McShane, writing in the New York News. The scandal went airborne when Murdoch operatives were accused of hacking the cell phones of a slain girl and of relatives of war dead and terror victims.

Meanwhile, on this side of the Atlantic, executives at the Murdoch-owned New York Post on Friday ordered all staffers to "preserve and maintain documents" involving phone hacking or bribery, the News said.
Police are "currently considering a number of allegations regarding breach of privacy ... including computer hacking," according to a police statement.

Murdoch's son James, who appeared alongside his father before Parliament, could be summoned for additional questioning after three ex-employees contradicted his testimony.

There was no mention of possible computer hacking at that parliamentary hearing, and the police declined to release any specifics in their statement, the News reported.

The phone-hacking allegations have already led to the arrests of 10 Murdoch employees, including former top executive Rebekah Brooks and former News of the World editor Andy Coulson.

Cyber-hacking charges have come up before, with Murdoch's News America paying a large sum to Floorgraphics over a cyber-hacking lawsuit after a whistleblower testified. (See 

Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg, a New Jersey Democrat, has called on the FBI to take a serious look at that case.

War inquiry to blast Blair

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