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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Assange: editors spiked
sensitive Israel cables

Julian Assange reportedly told Al-Jazeera that few documents involving
Israel have so far been published because the newspapers to which he gave

exclusive rights to publish the cables were unwilling to publish
sensitive information about Israel.

WikiLeaks will release sensitive leaked diplomatic
cables regarding Israel in the coming months, Assange is reported to have told Al-Jazeera.

The provocative internet journalist said 
his website will release top secret letters dealing with the 2006 Second Lebanon war, the
assassination of a high-level Palestinian official in Dubai suspected
to have been carried out by the Mossad, and other Israel-related
cables, according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency.

Assange claims to have about 3,700 files related to Israel, most from
the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv.

He said he was certain that Israeli intelligence is currently
monitoring WikiLeaks closely and denied that there was a deal between
Israel and WikiLeaks to keep information on Israel private.

Norway paper says it has
entire cache of cables

The Afternoon Post says it will plumb the cache selectively in order to write informed articles over the coming months. It declined to say how it had obtained the stash, but previously the Guardian had provided all the cables to the New York Times.

We must also not neglect the possibility that U.S. intelligence spirited the trove to the paper in order to deprive Wikileaks of control over timing of releases, though the former possibility seems more credible.

Wikileaks chief tells of reams of death threats
Not only is he regularly threatened, but also his children, Assange tells El Pais.

A well-organized mirror
The mirror site listed here is useful because of the many descriptive and useful links.

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